Turnkey Photovoltaic Systems

Our team of legal advisers, technicians and financial experts will guide the project from idea to operation.  Once the system is operational, track your investment returns with state-of-the-art monitoring systems.

We guide you through all phases of the project

Project Development

  1. Site Identification

  2. Qualification of location

  3. Legal review

  4. Approval process


  1. Approach

  2. Our Services

  3. References

Project Implementation

  1. Request for proposal process

  2. Planning

  3. Detailed planning

  4. Construction

  5. Network connection


  1. System tests

  2. Maintenance

  3. Output monitoring

Project Development
Project Implementation

Site Identification

Qualification of location

Legal review

Approval Process

Request for proposal


Detailed planning

Network connection

System tests


Output monitoring

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